Join me to unbox my Young Living Essential Oils January order!
If you'd like to get any products or simply browse, you can find my discount code referral link here: Please be sure the "Sponsor & Enroller ID's" are set to 1256746 to be linked to my Young Living community! Thank you and welcome! #younglivingessentialoils #youngliving #peppermintessentialoil #thievesessentialoil
Here is a quick video tutorial for how to log into your Young Living Essential Oils account and place an order.
If you'd like to get any products or simply browse products, I welcome you to set up a Young Living account using my referral link, which can be found here: Please be sure the "Sponsor & Enroller ID's" are set to 1256746 to be linked to my Young Living community! Thank you and welcome! #younglivingessentialoils #younglivingtutorial #younglivingCanada Join me to unbox my Young Living Essential Oils January order!
If you'd like to get any products or simply just browse around, I welcome you to set up a Young Living account using my referral link, which can be found here: Please be sure the "Sponsor & Enroller ID's" are set to 1256746 to be linked to my Young Living community! Thank you and welcome! #younglivingessentialoils #youngliving #thieveschestrub #thievesessentialoil ![]() Our weekly Thursday Hangout is here!! Join us tonight for “Supporting Weight Loss with essential oils!” Details: Thurs., Jan. 12, 2023 from 7:30-8:30pm Calgary/Mountain (6:30pm Pacific, 8:30pm Central, 9:30pm Eastern). Please email me at [email protected] if you need the zoom link to join us! No cost to attend…we ask that you “pay it forward” and consider making a donation to your favourite charity. Please send me an email ([email protected]) if you’d like to purchase any Young Living products and be part of our essential oil family! Or if you wish to get set up on your own, please click here. (Please be sure the "enroller ID" and "sponsor ID" are set to 1256746 to be linked to me and our lovely community. Thank you!) Here’s our updated Thursday schedule - please mark your calendars!! All class times are 7:30-8:30pm Mountain: -Jan. 12: Supporting weight loss with essential oils -Jan. 19: Support your health (mind, body, spirit & emotions) during the winter months -Jan. 26: No class -Feb. 2: Valentine’s Day gift ideas with essential oils #younglivingessentialoils #youngliving #weightloss #essentialoilsforweightloss In this episode, I share my top favourite "must-have" Young Living Essential Oils products that I've been loving and using!
If you'd like to get any products or simply just browse around, I welcome you to set up a Young Living account using my referral link, which can be found here: Please be sure the "Sponsor & Enroller ID's" are set to 1256746 to be linked to my beautiful Young Living community! Thank you and welcome! ![]() It’s our first Thursday Hangout of the year!! Join us tonight for “Start your year right with essential oils!” Details: Thurs., Jan. 5, 2023 from 7:30-8:30pm Calgary/Mountain (6:30pm Pacific, 8:30pm Central, 9:30pm Eastern). Please email me at [email protected] if you need the zoom link to join us! No cost to attend…we ask that you “pay it forward” and consider making a donation to your favourite charity. Please send me an email ([email protected]) if you’d like to purchase any Young Living products and be part of our essential oil family! Or if you wish to get set up on your own, please click here. (Please be sure the "enroller ID" and "sponsor ID" are set to 1256746 to be linked to me and our lovely community. Thank you!) Here’s our updated Thursday schedule - please mark your calendars!! All class times are 7:30-8:30pm Mountain: -Jan. 5: Start your year right with essential oils -Jan. 12: Supporting weight loss with essential oils -Jan. 19: Support your health (mind, body, spirit & emotions) during the winter months -Jan. 26: No class -Feb. 2: Valentine’s Day gift ideas with essential oils #younglivingessentialoils #youngliving #newyearessentialoils #essentialoilsforthenewyear Happy New Year!!! A heartfelt thank you for being part of our Young Living family! May 2023 be filled with many wonderful blessings! Ps. Here’s a lovely New Year’s Eve diffuser recipe I’m going to be putting in my diffuser in the next few minutes. And the third image has some great blends for the New Year!
In this episode, I share my top favourite "must-have" Young Living Essential Oils products that I've been loving and using! If you'd like to get any products or simply just browse around, I welcome you to set up a Young Living account using my referral link, which can be found here: Please be sure the "Sponsor & Enroller ID's" are set to 1256746 to be linked to my beautiful Young Living community! Thank you and welcome! Join me to unbox my Young Living Essential Oils December order!
(Ps. After watching the replay, I realized that I forgot to share that I got a 5mL frankincense as a promo too - it’s one of this month’s many promos! I forgot to mention it because it wasn’t in my bag because I had already given it to someone lol) If you'd like to get any products or simply just browse around, I welcome you to set up a Young Living account using my referral link, which can be found here: Please be sure the "Sponsor & Enroller ID's" are set to 1256746 to be linked to my Young Living community! Thank you and welcome! ![]()
I’m loving this blue crystal ...I got it at the rock and gem show that was in Calgary a few weekends ago. I’m thinking I was drawn to it for throat chakra healing. Since I was young, this has been often been an area that has come up for me that I’ve had to continue to work on healing. What’s associated with the throat chakra? First, the actual throat itself and surrounding area (throat, tonsils, mouth, shoulders, neck) - so injuries/illnesses/sicknesses/pain in these areas over the years may be associated with the throat chakra. Energetically, when the throat chakra is blocked or out of balance, you may find yourself unable to say no when you want to (being a “yes” person or people pleaser), you may be unable to speak your heart/truth when you need to the most, or you might hold back on expressing your needs and desires. Throat chakra can also have to do with knowing your dreams and purpose, but not being able to quite get there. Also, not being able to communicate effectively for fear of ridicule and judgment. Can anyone else relate to one or more of these? The good news is that there are MANY different ways to bring balance to this chakra. One way is through colour - the colour blue resonates with the throat chakra. So wearing blue, particularly around your neck can help (blue scarf, blue necklace, etc.). And if you’re into crystals, blue crystals are wonderful for throat chakra healing....Probably why I was drawn to the one in the picture! You can also use essential oils if you are into aromatherapy. Some oils that are recommended for the throat chakra are cypress, frankincense, geranium, lavender, spruce, and carrot seed!
AlishiaI love animals, plants, essential oils, being an auntie and an entrepreneur! Thank you for connecting with me here! :) Archives
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